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Start promoting your business with us now

Take the opportunity, join the Directory portal, add your company (organisation) profile in the list and promote your business with us. Fill your profile, add all important information and navigate people straight into your business.

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How to Join Directory Portal in 5 steps:

  1. Fill in you email, username and choose your package,
  2. Click on Sign Up (Buy with Paypal),
  3. Pay for package on Paypal,
  4. Check your email for login info,
  5. Log in and add your ITEMs into to the Directory Portal.
Testimonials  |  Info: There are no items created, add some please.
Statistics: 55 Categories 15 Locations 160 Resources 0 Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay every month?

No! We have 3 packages for you; 3 months, 6 months and a full year!
Our goal is to give the best advertising prices and watch our Directory grow every day!

Are you located in the Okanagan Valley?

Yes we are! We have our offices in Enderby. We also have other Directories in Mexico; Directory Puerto Vallarta and Directory Bucerias. They have been online for over 10 years!

Who can be part of the Directory Okanagan Valley?

EVERYONE!! Directory Okanagan Valley wants every business and trade, small or large, to be part of our Directory. Join today!

Pre-sale Questions
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